This attention arises from somewhere inside you. Pleasure-seeking becomes stressful. They then ask others for reassurance that they aren't a bad person or that no one was harmed by thinking such thoughts. But he argues that these interventions won't help everyone in the long run. Allow this light to move over these ancestors and remove any pain or emotional challenges. We know that on this earth kindness, love, occupation, help, truth, honor and sympathy are investments which bring happiness to-day. All while any of these coping mechanisms aren't inherently unhealthy in nature, should they increase in volume and consistency, you could be at risk for developing an addiction. I teach a new control—the control of the witnessing self. I perform well under stress. The banks trusted that you could pay the monthly mortgage. And as I sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic in midtown, sweating profusely, I began to regret the silk crepe blouse I...