Overunderstanding can be just another way of avoiding the emotions that reside in the heart. As an adult, he may show up as entitled and expect to be indulged, or he may avoid taking initiative and making decisions because he has an underlying fear of exposing his limitations and a crisp inability to tolerate frustration. There are long-standing male staff as well, but regardless of gender, coaches are typically people drawn toward caring and nurturing services. Show me anyone who has attained the level of mastery in any area, and I'll show you someone who has healed their wounds and used their suffering to empathetically serve others. I like when events are held on campus that promote student engagement and provide a sense of community. That way, you can face the next day full of energy and with a constructive attitude. When we take ourselves to be our stories, we strive to avoid suffering at all costs, which may lead us to doggedly pursue diet, exerci...