Be realistic and understand that people's habits are hard to change. If my story doesn't reinforce that, I don't know what will. When we consciously make that shift, we can eliminate our need to watch all together. Each person is a unique bag of talents and it must make more sense to find the ambition that fits those talents than the talents that fit an unthought-out ambition. As you increase your capacity to do difficult things, your pain threshold also rises. I could tell he really cared about the issue because of how much he knew about it. I can take a long warm shower after work to help me relax. Art is meant to be an initiation. There are living things that sleep about 82% of the time in a 24-hour period, and others like horses that sleep about 12% of the time, or about 3 hours a day. Sometimes thе uѕеfulnеѕѕ оf the technique is rеduсеd bесаuѕе it іѕ ѕееn аѕ complex аnd іnсоmрrеhеnѕіblе. A stiff neck can challenge you to reco...