A lot of people visited only briefly, staying for a week or two as I did, or even just a few days. We didn't earn that. It's impossible to be worried about what might happen next week or fret about something you did last year when every ounce of your attention is focused on not falling off and breaking your neck. Let's protect their right to feel secure in their attachment to each of us throughout this process. We talk about big T traumas and little t traumas, and we define trauma as any experience that overwhelms our ability to cope. It also would allow the mental health practitioner to build a strong therapeutic relationship with Eddie to discuss, nonjudgmentally, the reasons why he might stop taking his medications while introducing psychoeducation related to bipolar disorder and the importance of mediation relative to holistic recovery. Remembering we have choices is easy to forget when faced with impossible problems. One's self-esteem ...